About The Financial Engineer


I created The Financial Engineer with the purpose to dispel the fallacies and mysticism surrounding personal finance. While there are plenty of personal finance resources available, I’ve found all of the alternatives lacking. Other sources I’ve encountered often over-simplify financial decisions, praise phenomenological rule of thumbs, or preach a “one size fits all” approach to individual financial decisions. I hope to bring the personal back into personal finance. Along with acknowledging the wide variety of personal situations and goals, I aim to provide guidance grounded in reason and facts.


The Financial Engineer philosophy is simple: financial advice should be approached with the same careful consideration as an engineering project. This requires accounting for several competing goals with a vision towards a final harmonious solution.


I strive for my posts and recommendations to be solidly rooted in reason and mathematics. I aim to provide resources and citations for all assertions and will clearly show all mathematics, assumptions, and data used for my assertions.


I take the integrity of the information and purpose of this site very seriously. More details can be found in my integrity statement.

Updates & Redactions

I welcome corrections and updates for the information provided on The Financial Engineer. Please see my contact page for information on how to reach me.

Updates or redactions on pages will be made apparent via a clear summary of what was changed and when the change was made.