About The Author

The Man Behind The Plan

Greetings! I’m Dagaen.

Hailing from Northeastern Pennsylvania, I am a 20-something year old currently residing in the City of Brother Love. I graduated from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania with degrees in mathematics and computer science. Afterwards, while pursuing a Ph.D., I obtained a masters degree in computer & information science from the University of Pennsylvania. I am currently on leave from the doctoral program and working as a software engineer at a large telecommunications and media company.

You can learn more about me at my personal website.

I created The Financial Engineer with the purpose to dispel the fallacies and mysticism surrounding personal finance. While there are plenty of personal finance resources available, I’ve found all of the alternatives lacking. Other sources I’ve encountered often over-simplify financial decisions, praise phenomenological rule of thumbs, or preach a “one size fits all” approach to individual financial decisions. I hope to bring the personal back into personal finance. Along with acknowledging the wide variety of personal situations and goals, I aim to provide guidance grounded in reason and facts. The about the blog page expands further on the purpose and philosophy of The Financial Engineer.

Have a suggestion for something I should be writing about? Spot an error or typo that needs correction? Do you want to work or consult for you? Please don’t hesitate to contact me.